Vermont's best hotel for travelers with dogs, 2018
awarded by Yankee New England magazine
Fees: We do not charge additional fees for your dog.
Walking your dogs:
Mt. Philo: Dog walking is the singular most frequent use of adjacent Mt. Philo State Park, with at least 100 dogs on the mountain every day. Walk along our private Carriage Road North though our backyard to reach the park. The 1.5 mile hike to the top along a paved road is rewarded with spectacular 360° views, while the dogs get plenty of exercise and socialization.
Dogs must be on leash only when the park is open, from 10 AM till sunset from May through Columbus day. There is a regular morning walking crew, and various regulars throughout the day.
Even the rangers are in on the act. Kim and John Frigault work with Long Trail Canine Rescue, and coordinate a local dog fostering and adoption team.
Thompson's Point: A locals favorite, this 3 mile walk, just 3 miles away, is flat with dirt roads and occasional slow car traffic. Walk around the Thompson's Point, with cute summer cabins and scenic vistas over Lake Champlain the entire way. Many other dogs to meet.
Charlotte Town Link Trail: Starting from the Inn, use the Carriage Road to reach the parking lot at the entrance to the State
Park. The Trail begins across the road and travels beside State Park Road 1/2 mile, then turns right. It crosses the Shelburne Vineyard, under Rt. 7, around a pond, across a little league recreation area, across a berry farm, then though a co-housing community. Keep dogs on leash
Pease Mountain Trail: starting 2 miles north behind the Charlotte Central School. Not as many views, but a great walk
Izze on Mt. Philo, dog heaven
Town Link Trail, State Park Rd, Charlotte berry farm
Woody Keppel, Junior and Bella
Izze along our private Carriage Road linking the MPI to Mt. Philo